The Devastation of Parental Alienation

Reconnect and reopen the doors of communication with your child

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Dr. Steinberg

Dr. Steinberg consults with families, couples, groups and individuals. She specializes in working with alienated parents and alienated children.

She provides a four day therapeutic intervention program called One Family at a Time which has a high success rate.

Dr. Steinberg provides expert testimony on parental alienation in the courts.

“There is no North Star without vigorous creativity to imagine it for us and mark where it lights the way.”

Elizabeth Alexander

Children’s Rights

  • The Child has the right to love and express love, verbally and through hugs, to each of his parents equally, free from any feelings of disloyalty or upset of the other parent.

  • The Child has the right to cherish and think highly of each of his parents and the right to be free from any disparagement, negative opinions, or criticism of one parent by the other parent or by members of a parent's extended family and friends.

  • The Child has the right to demonstrate affection to each of his parents in the presence of the other and in the presence of their respective extended families.

  • The Child has the right to describe positively and with enthusiasm his life with one parent to the other parent and the right to expect that this expression will be received openly and warmly and encouraged.

  • The Child has the right to not have to manage the feelings of a parent by demonstrating loyalty or conveying dislike of the other parent or parent's home.

  • The Child has the right not to be exposed to any parental conflict.

  • The Child has the right to be free from pressure or lobbying from his parents or extended families regarding their living arrangements between the two homes.

Children’s Responsibilities

  • The Child is responsible for dealing with each of his parents fairly, respectfully and with love and affection.

  • The child should not seek to use one parent to intervene or overrule parenting decisions made at the other parent's house.

  • The child is responsible to respect the privacy of each parent's homes.

  • If the Child is exposed to disparagement of one parent by the other or by their extended family, the Child has the responsibility to assert himself and ask that his right to think highly of both parents be respected.

  • The Child is responsible for managing his own behavior in a manner which will support his rights and responsibilities and their parents' parenting plan.

  • The Child has the responsibility to maintain a balanced, fair, and independent attitude towards his parents and to not take sides on any issues with one parent against the other.

Parent’s Rights

  • It is the right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a fundamental right.

  • The parental right to direct education includes the right to choose, as an alternative to public education, private, religious, or home schools, and the right to make reasonable choices within public schools for one's child.

  • Neither the United States nor any State shall infringe these rights without demonstrating that its governmental interest as applied to the person is of the highest order and not otherwise served.

  • The parental rights guaranteed by this article shall not be denied or abridged on account of disability.

  • This article shall not be construed to apply to a parental action or decision that would end life.

The Courts Obligation

Existing law requires a family court to determine the best interests of a child in deciding child custody in specific proceedings and that an award of child custody to a person who has perpetrated is detrimental to the best interests of the child.

For the purposes of a family court determining child custody, an award of child custody to a party who has engaged in coercive control is detrimental to the best interests of the child.

You’re Not Crazy

You're Not Crazy You're Not Crazy
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Dr. Steinberg’s book You’re Not Crazy - Overcoming Parent/Child Alienation is now available for purchase and download.

This book was written for the Alienated Parent, whether in the beginning or advanced stages.

Despite the naysayers who insist that there is no such thing as Parental Alienation, there is! It has been thoroughly well-documented and researched since the 1930's.

PARENTAL ALIENATION IS CHILD ABUSE and it is time for the Courts, Attorneys, Guardians Ad Litem, The Department of Child Protective Services, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Physicians, Families and Friends, to recognize it for what it is and put a stop to it.

Also available on Amazon Kindle.


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